Safety policy
Apollo Medical Center is committed to protecting our clinic facilities' health, safety, and welfare of all staff, patients, and visitors. We loom to sustain significant economic and social prerequisites for continued commercial success. To achieve these goals, we will commit to the following principles;
- Prevention of injury and illness of the staff, contractors, patients, and visitors.
- Prevention of environmental pollution through the activities and services of the Apollo Medical Center.
- Comply with all applicable federal and local EHS laws and regulations in Abu Dhabi Emirate.
- Develop and endeavor to achieve the set EHS goals and targets in support of this Policy.
- Monitoring and reviewing the set EHS objectives and targets, Key Performance Indicators as per statutory and local regulatory HAAD requirements.
- Provide appropriate EHS resources, training, facilities, and controls to maintain a safe working environment.
- Take necessary actions to enhance the health and wellbeing of the employees and contractors of Apollo Medical Center.
- Continually improve our Environmental, Health & Safety performance by conserving natural resources, preventing pollution, and providing a safe working environment.
- Strive to protect the health and safety of our staff, patients, contractors, and visitors by ensuring a safe working environment through the implementation of this EHS Policy
- Communicate this EHS policy to all stakeholders, patients, contractors, visitors, and staff of Apollo Medical Center.
- Review this Safety Policy periodically.
This Policy has been developed as per AD EHS Policy version 2.0 and Health Sector EHSMS Policy. This Policy applies to all the functional operations of Apollo Medical Center and requires to be implemented by all staff, contractors, patients, and visitors in the Apollo Medical Center.